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People love to express themselves, and vlogging seems to be the method of choice for everyone these days. Vlogging is pretty simple if you think about it. You get in front of a camera, shoot a few minutes of anything, and upload your video onto YouTube. And there you go. You are now a famous YouTube vlogger. Sounds too easy, don’t it?

Actually, vlogging is steadily topping the charts on YouTube, and viewers are falling madly in love with their vlogger’s. This type of relationship is usually established quite easily if the content is just right. And with this said, for those of you wanting long-term success with your YouTube channel, vlogging is a great place to start.

If you are one of those that want more views for your YouTube channel, it’s time to change things up a bit and turn a mediocre channel into one that rocks and rolls. One of the best ways to promote yourself, or your brand, is to vlog. Listed below are some of the best strategies to help get the process started.

Create Content that has Value: The very first thing any vlogger must consider is developing quality content that will keep viewers happy, entertained, and informed. Think about this. Your viewers will expect certain things from you or your brand when they tune in. As you provide great content that is also put out on a regular basis, your viewers will have a definite reason to watch, and they will become loyal viewers that will stay engaged whenever you upload new content.

Build a Following: Now that you’ve made some pretty hefty goals to crank out great video content, it’s time to build your community… your network of loyal viewers. Since YouTube is one of the best ways to share video, vlogger’s can spend some time building up their relationship with viewers with their vlog. This is the time to personally reach out to fans to take advantage of comments or questions that viewers may have. If your viewers feel involved with the making of your videos, they will establish themselves as a loyal viewer, and your community will grow because it has value. Another way to achieve this is to host a Google Hangout, or YouTube Live Stream. As you interact with your audience, find out what they love most about your content and provide more of the same great stuff.

Be Consistent with your Uploads: If your viewers have a good reason to watch, then they will want to watch more videos on a more consistent basis. Creating goals to produce unique content on a regular basis will keep things interesting. When there is an interest to know what will happen next, you are encouraging very strong emotions with your viewers. This is a great strategy to practice as it will ultimately help your audience maintain their focus on your vlogs.

Collaborate with Other Vlogger’s: If you’re just starting out with a vlog or feel stuck with your current vlogging techniques, it’s time to change things around and create a new interest in your viewers with a collaboration. Collaborations can increase your viewership and reputation instantly; giving both vlogger’s an opportunity to spark new interests in loyal viewers while drawing in a new crowd as you creatively engage.

Grow Your Vlog on Social Media: Some vlogger’s forget how much social media plays in one’s success. In fact, social media is the best place to share your vlogs. Post them on YouTube; share them on Facebook and Twitter so millions of viewers can have instant access to your video vlogs. There are all kinds of platforms that will fit your niche, but the important thing here is to just get out there. And when you are out there and someone likes their viewing experience, they will share it.

Vlogging is a way to have a creative control over your thoughts, ideas, and hopes and dreams. When you vlog about something comical or what matters most in your life, a strong connection is developed between vlogger and viewer. This way of socializing is rising up the new celebrities of our culture.

It looks as if vlogging is essential for success. With such a huge opportunity to explore, set some goals, create some great content, and just have fun.

Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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