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Are you looking to start a YouTube channel or grow an audience?

As my own channel reached subscriber mileposts, I wanted to reach out and help someone to show my appreciation in some small way. So for this video I brought in one of my subscribers I selected to do a channel evaluation for. I saw a ton of potential in him and his channel, so I wanted to help him figure out what he could be doing better.

Nick Nimmin is a graphic designer in Thailand. His YouTube channel provides tips and tricks for others who want to make videos. So when I reached out to Nick, I gave him some feedback and had him read the book Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon. Hanlon talks about how to develop a “tribe” and identifies what makes people become part of an audience.

So after talking about Primal Branding and creating this audience, I did “recon” with Nick. Recon includes knowing what’s going on right now in your field, collecting current information, understanding your data, and making analyses. We analyzed and discussed YouTubers who were doing it right. We talked about their delivery methods and clever scripting. We brainstormed ideas for Nick to use similar strategies for his channel.

Then I gave Nick an assignment to create two videos to submit to me for feedback. Something Nick is doing right is observing and learning from people who are successful at doing what he wants to be doing. So Nick made these videos and got some good feedback from me and others as well.

I then had Nick brainstorm 100 ideas for videos. These weren’t just off the top of his head; he had to research topics, trends, and questions people wanted answers to. After this, we talked about branding and the importance of having a presence outside of YouTube (the domain name for a website, all social networks, etc.).

Nick got an assignment to create 20 videos from the list of 100 ideas he had made. This was helpful for Nick to realize that it was important to be ahead of the game. We also created a schedule for his video releases, discussing how many times per week he would add new videos and which days to release.

Once Nick solidified his branding, direction, and scheduling, he got to work on those videos. Now he has an arsenal of ready-to-go content so he doesn’t ever feel like he’s racing the clock or getting hung up on what topic to cover next. He simply goes to his list to choose his next topic, does the research, creates a solid script, and nails the video.

I really enjoyed helping Nick with his channel evaluation. He learned so much about strategizing and implementing a plan for his channel to reach its great potential. Watch the video for more in-depth tips and tricks I shared with Nick.

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Looking to build and grow an Audience on YouTube? I selected one of my subscribers, Nick Nimman, and helped him start a new Youtube channel properly. You need to check out the steps he needed to do before he started his channel.

Get More Great Tips – Subscribe ➜ http://goo.gl/dWNo9H

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My Interview with Patrick Hanlon

Get More Great Tips – Subscribe ➜ http://goo.gl/dWNo9H

My Favorite YouTube Tool TubeBuddy
Download TubeBuddy Free Today! ➜ http://goo.gl/PrGfLe

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YouTube Channel Evaluations

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1. Must be subscribed to My YouTube Channel

2. Must be uploading good quality content frequently to your YouTube Channel and really trying hard to make it

3. Must be engaged in my channel by liking, commenting, posting, sharing and encouraging others to subscribe to my channel.


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Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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