Have you ever tried to share a link on Facebook and the thumbnail doesn’t show up? Isn’t that really frustrating? Well, the other day it happened to me. I was going to post this really cool YouTube video and the meta information and thumbnail would not show up!
In this training I’m going to show you two separate ways to have those thumbnails always show up in Facebook. This technique really works with YouTube videos and other types of links.
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Alright, let’s go ahead and fix that thumbnail and get that Meta information pulled into your post. Now, there are 2 ways to do this. The first way is using Facebook, and you’re going to go to http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug . Put your URL in the main box on that page and hit ‘Debug’. This actually goes back to Facebook and spiders the information and you can see that it went and scraped the information back on that URL, and pulled in the image and Meta information as well. Then you’ll want to go back and delete the post you were creating and hit ‘Refresh’ and go ahead and re-paste the link; it should be fixed and all your information and thumbnail should show up for that video.
Sometimes that debugger tool does not work, if this is the case. You actually need to make the URL shortened. This is the second option. You can go to http://bitly.com, that is one that I prefer, or you can go to any URL shortners. Here is a list:
• http://ow.ly/url/shorten-url
Or just search “URL shortner” and pick one you like. You put your URL in the top box on the page and hit ‘Shorten’. And once you do that you can click copy next to the new URL. Then, come back over to Facebook and go ahead and ‘Refresh’ the page again. Then simply post that new shortened link you created and that should fix it as well!
Hey, you gotta love it! Now your thumbnail is actually going to show up. Thanks guys for reading and have a productive day!
Watch the Tutorial Below
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