Facebook Live Event Video Streaming–Is YouTube Being Left Behind?
Periscope, Meerkat, Snapchat, and now Facebook–the live stream video battle is on!
Live stream videos allow users to record video on a mobile device and broadcast it as it is happening, so it doesn’t have to be uploaded later. This means that you could watch a concert happening in Russia or someone making maté in Paraguay, for example.
Periscope, Meerkat, and Snapchat are platforms that allow users to stream videos live, but they vary in some ways. For example, Meerkat deletes a user’s video as soon as the stream is no longer live, whereas Periscope saves users’ videos for 24 hours so they can be accessed via Periscope or Twitter within that time frame.
Now Facebook is jumping on board and allowing a select number of users to broadcast live videos through a new app called Facebook Mentions. But for now, Mentions is unlike other live stream apps in that you can’t just do an app search and download it; you actually have to be invited by Facebook to use the app. Facebook invites users who have certified public pages, and requires forms of identification before granting approval.
So why would users feel inclined to use Facebook Mentions over easier live stream apps? For three reasons: First, a live stream video is automatically saved in a user’s videos section. That’s right, it’s never deleted! Second, Facebook’s algorithm favors live stream videos so much that they show up in news feeds and notifications like crazy, so you’ll get a lot more views. Third, and maybe most important, users don’t have to build a brand-new audience on a new site like Periscope; they already have a Facebook audience, so videos are widely seen without having to start from scratch.
Facebook Mentions allows a maximum of 60 minutes for a live stream video, so I did a live video for the full 60 minutes and had a lot of engagement and great promotion from Facebook. I found that viewers really crave that type of communication. So I’m looking forward to using the feature more in the future.
For now, YouTube does not have a live stream video option, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had something up their sleeve, because they don’t want to miss the boat either.
The future of technology is changing through mobile, video, social, and now live events, and I’m excited to see it happen.
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The battle for live mobile video streaming is on! Facebook Live Event Streaming is going head to head with Meerkat, Periscope, and Snapchat. Is YouTube being left behind?
Right now a few selected VIPs can start a Live broadcast that’s posted to the News Feed, watch comments overlaid in real-time on their stream, and then make the recording permanently available for viewing.
Facebook announced that once they tested the live stream features, they will be opening them up slowly to more people.
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