If you are a consistent, long-term YouTube creator, you probably lose steam every once in awhile. It doesn’t matter what you do, if you do it enough or too much, you’re prone to burn out. So I turned to a couple of YouTube creators for their advice on how to avoid this.
Clintus from Clintus TV suggests you always make videos from the heart, try new things, and remember why you do what you do.
Hilah from Hilah Cooking suggests mixing up your content every once in awhile, collaborating, doing interviews, interacting with your viewers outside of YouTube, and watching your analytics less often.
Following these and other tips from the video can help you avoid the dreaded creator’s burn out.
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In this video, I confess to something BIG! I got burned out! This can be a common issue with most YouTube Creators I asked two YouTuber Friends to give me tips so it won’t happen again!
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Hilah from Hilah Cooking
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