There are always new things you can do to speed up your workflow. One of those things is to default your upload settings. If you go to one of your videos on your YouTube account, you can see how you can change the default for when you upload.
Change your settings to your preferences, as described in the video, including adding default titles and tags. If you use the super awesome tool TubeBuddy, it is going to help you save so much time on your YouTubing, and changing your defaults is no exception. Download the tool at to get started.
You can also add multiple profiles in TubeBuddy. So when you go to upload something new, the tool lets you select the type of template you want, and it will pull through all of your default settings, no matter which profile you’re using.
This tool has saved me so much time! And I hope I can help you learn how to use it to be a more efficient YouTuber as well.
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How To Create Default Upload Settings and Profiles on YouTube. The upload defaults are one of the ways to streamline uploading videos, and make it a lot easier to get your content out. You can also create multiple profiles and switch between profiles using TubeBuddy.
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My Favorite YouTube Tool TubeBuddy
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