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Help Me Get Subs &Views

I get so many questions on how to get a YouTube channel started, that I thought it would be a great idea to share some helpful tips to get you on your way.

First of all, being brand new to YouTube and just starting your YouTube channel can be a challenge. A lot of content creators feel frustrated even if you have done all the math and put the exact keywords, tags, and a really catchy title on your video. But, this doesn’t always guarantee that your site will get instant hits in searches. So how can you change all of this?

Well, there are some things that you can do to help this along because it’s time to put all of your effort and hard work into something that will be rewarding. Here is a basic game plan to succeed on YouTube.

People watch YouTube for 3 basic reasons. They are:

  • Someone they know recommends a video
  • Viewers want to be entertained
  • Viewers want certain information on a certain subject or be educated

Now, this is the breakdown:

  1. Do Your Research: Don’t just slap videos onto your channel. Take some time to do your research. What is your channel really about? Who is your target audience? Where does your target audience congregate outside of YouTube? Why would your target audience be interested in your content or channel? How can you get the viewer or potential viewer to subscribe and share your video?
  2. Recon: Find out what blogs, forums, Facebook groups, Google+ communities, and websites that people are interested in. Recon is really important. 75% of my video views come from outside of YouTube. Think about that for a moment. A larger number of viewers outside of my YouTube channel? This is another great way to have viewers see your content…don’t you think!
  3. Video Structure & Production: Make sure you have a production formula for your videos. I’m going to share with you one of my friends secret formula’s for this. Now, this guy’s name is Tim Schmoyer, and he is great at getting views and subs. He says to make sure you hook the viewer within the first 3 to 7 seconds of the video being played. Then, you want to show a bumper. This is always optional, but it is very effective for branding. Next, have your main content displayed, and then engage the users by having a great outro and call to action. Wait a minute! That is the same formula that I use for my YouTube channel! Oh well, the secrets really out now! Remember, different types of channels will have different types of video structure and different formulas. It’s all about doing some research to see what works best for your channel.
  4. Upload and Optimize: When you upload your video, make sure you do it in Private mode. This gives you time to optimize your title, description, tags, keywords, and then transcribe the video. Also, do custom thumbnails that will catch the viewer’s eye that makes them want to engage. Once this is finished, set your video to Public.
  5. Share That Video: There is Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, along with groups and communities in all of those areas. If you have that recon list, all you have to do is get involved in those communities and share your video. Do this by making good quality posts along with a video link.
  6. Engage and Interact: Take time to comment on your video. Comment on your video in all the places it is being shared. Why is this important? This gets viewers engaged and creates a community of your own.
  7. Evaluate and Adjust: Check out your videos analytics and evaluate how users are actually finding you, what type of engagement is there, and track all of the necessary things that you need that will help you make adjustments for the future.
  8. Collaborate: Look for collaboration opportunities. Actually, I am collaborating with Tim Schmoyer on Growing your Channel with 0 Views and 0 Subscribers. Check out the video!

Most of you that create content on YouTube would benefit by taking a little bit more time to get to know your audience. Create a simple game plan for your channel and for all of your videos. This includes a set structure and schedule for every video that is plan out. Believe me, this really works!

I can tell you that working with Tim for the last few days, and also being one of his first subscribers through Video Creators TV, has been great for me because Tim knows his audience and has a game plan.

So, if you’re looking for more views and visibility for your videos, make sure you take some time to so your research, study the information in this article and on the video listed below, take some notes, and create your own game plan.

YouTube ranks videos by the amount of watch time that it has and values this information when it comes to search engines. It’s all about how much time the video has been watched that determines whether or not it will show up in search engines. Be certain to optimize your content so it will relate to search query, and optimize your titles, tags, keywords, and descriptions.

Everything that has been talked about goes back to following each of the steps so your great video content will be easily found and watched. Now take some time and study this valuable information and do some research of your own to perfect your own game plan.


Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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