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After meeting with strategy teams at YouTube on multiple occasions, I’ve realized that they always focus in on five key areas to help you improve your presence on YouTube.

  1. Get your videos found
  2. The first key area is discoverability , or simply getting your videos found. I think this is the most important key. Discoverability is broken into three parts: first is optimization. Make sure your meta information, titles, descriptions, and tags are all done properly. Also make sure you’re doing a transcription to provide closed captioning on all of your videos as well. If you need to learn how to properly upload and tag your videos to YouTube, I have several videos on my YouTube channel to get you started.

    The second part to discoverability is improving your thumbnail. For example, I helped a client change their thumbnail a few years ago, and just doing that alone made their views double. Viewers are drawn to consistency, so if they’re watching a video and they see more of the same channel’s thumbnails on videos listed on the right of the screen, they’re more likely to watch more.

    The third part to discoverability is collaboration. Know which YouTube channels are similar to yours and help each other out! I encourage a one-for-one cross promotion with similar channels to yours. So you agree to feature one of their videos on your channel and they agree to do the same, and this has the potential to increase your viewers and subscribers exponentially.

  3. Get people to watch
  4. Moving on to the second key area YouTube wants creators to focus on, which is getting people to watch your videos. A person’s attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s, so you want to be able to hook your viewer within 5-7 seconds. Hook them with content that is engaging or pleasing to the eye right away, and then you’ll extend your hook time to 20-30 seconds.

  5. Engage the viewer
  6. The third key area is to engage the viewer. This is outside of the video content engagement. First, engage with annotations. Encourage viewers to watch the next video, buy specific merchandise, or provide a call to action in some way. Make sure your channel art looks good too so you can engage the viewer that way.

  7. Connect with viewers
  8. The next key area is to connect with the viewers or fans. A good way to connect is to respond to comments people make on your videos. You could implement a “Power Hour,” or time you’ve set aside specifically to respond to commenters on your videos. You can also connect by asking for suggestions for future videos.

  9. Be consistent
  10. The last key area is consistency. Be consistent in your branding, message, video release schedule, and types of videos you create.

    Use these 5 key strategies to improve your YouTube presence and watch your views and subscribers grow! Engage those viewers so they’ll want to keep watching more. The number one factor that YouTube uses to rank a video is session watch time. So if a viewer spends time watching video after video, it helps your ranking more than anything.

    I love talking about video marketing! If you have a tip or elaboration on this topic, comment away. Even better, subscribe to my YouTube channel and become an engaged video creator by watching all my tips and tricks to becoming a better YouTuber.

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On recent business trip to San Bruno to YouTube Headquarters, YouTube strategists gave me 5 areas that every creator should focus in on. In this video, I give you what I learned.

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Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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Derral Eves

Derral Eves is executive producer of The Chosen, which is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. Derral's passions also include YouTube and video. He is one of the few in the world to be officially certified by YouTube in “Audience Growth”.

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